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Event: From Boys to Men
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Total Posts4

Location: Nethisa > Colchis > Hellas
IC Date: Agrianios, 672 BC
Open To: All Players
Closing: 16th October 2022

With the rioters settled and the storm of the Kirakles isle's slave labour now passed, the royal Houses turn to stabilizing their faculties. Their money, their means... and their might. With soldiers killed en masse in the revolts around the kingdom, it is essential that Colchis rally the would-be troops and replenish their lines of fighters. The northern Hellas state is famed for its warriors of old and this is not the time to allow such a reputation to be tarnished. After assessing the state of homelessness and unemployment across the land, three provinces were marked for wide-scale recruitment drives for the militia. One of these, is Nethisa.

to the north of Nethisa lie several acres of open land. These meadows, once tame and cared for have been lay to fallow and pasture for several years. For the last three days, the baron of Nethisa has sent workers with scythes to hack and clear away the brush and grass, reducing the area to stark and uneven mooreland. Here, tents have been erected, covers provided against the sun and areas marked with peg and flag. Hearsayers and streetcallers have been making the rounds for two weeks, announcing the event and calling men young and old to attend and enlist. The privileges are clear. Food and shelter with the militia's barracks plus a steady salary, the first payment of which is to be received upon signing on the dotted line.

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General Event: From Boys to Men Threads
Started By: The Staff Team
Latest Post: Deleted
Sept 12, 2022 5:28:18 GMT
Total Posts: 3
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From Boys to Men 
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From Boys to Men 

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