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House Ethics
Do your duty. Serve your monarch and your kingdom. Glory awaits those who die in service to their king and their Gods. Fear not death; fear a lack of legacy.
Head of House
Family Tree
Photios of Antonis
m. Georgia of Antonis
- ♖ @lacides
m. Marisa of Athenia
- @mateos
- @stelios
- @vasia
- @patros
- Alexei of Antonis
m. @sera
- ♖ @alehandros
m. @sotiria
- @sanasa
- @marietta
- @evi
- @hebe
- @lysta
Recent Threads
Below are the ten most recent threads participated in by any member of this House.

Faded links are locked threads.

Barony: @sanasa
Population: 3,100
Military Unit: The Black Dogs
Main Export: Wine
Sub Exports: Fruit, vegetables, herbs, flowers.
An isolated province standing on the furthest end of Athenia, Attia has traditional architecture that stands out amongst its infrastructure, and healthy mountains that produces an abundance of fruits, vegetables and flowers. The best healers in Athenia are known to originate from this province. Illoclis
Barony: @mateos
Population: 5,800
Military Unit: Spears of Cerberus
Main Export: Grain
Sub-Exports: Corn, wheat, wine, fruit.
Art, food, and wine - that's what Illoclis is about, in whichever order you prefer. Heart-stoppingly beautiful with terrains covered in wheat that is as golden as the eye can see when harvest time grows near, Illoclis is a landlocked province that somehow still has an abundant of water source throughout its province. Other Provinces
Barony Open
Barony Open
Barony Open
Barony Open
Dynasteía of Antonis
"Power in Duty"
Azari Mahnheeg
Total Threads1
Total Posts1


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General Azari Mahnheeg Threads
Started By: The Staff Team
Latest Post: The Staff Team
Jun 27, 2022 9:50:43 GMT
Total Posts: 0
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Azari Mahnheeg 
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