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Named such for its beautiful, sparkling buildings - constructed from granite and painted purest white - Ammun is a city of travellers and traders. On the eastern border of the kingdom and with strong connections to Asia and the Middle East, Ammun is home to some of the richest merchants and families and widely recognised as the place to go when looking for a particularly exotic or hard to come by item. Landlocked as a province, there is no sea trade or fair so fish is seen as a rare delicacy in Ammun and the richer families have it imported in from Moab. However the hot weather further east means that citrus fruits grow aplenty around the city and dried, sweet treats are popularly sold on street corners along with roasted nuts. The people of Ammun are skill hagglers and know the value of anything and everything. They enjoy money and are careful to make sure the profits they gain in trade are high enough to make them pleased but not so high that they feel they are swindling others and going against the honest and modest Judean way of life.

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