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Rising from the rugged landscape of Ostjord, where the earth meets the iron-grey sky, rises a formidable structure: Tiwsborg. The fortress, built in unyielding stone and timber, exudes an austere strength that is the embodiment of primal strength, speaking to its purpose as the base for the Berserkers. Tall wooden palisades encircle the core structure, a single, sprawling longhouse fortified with thick oak beams and iron-banded doors. Its roof, thatched with hardy reeds and layered turf, merges with the rugged landscape. Narrow windows are cut into the stone walls, allowing only slivers of light to penetrate the dim interior while serving as perfect defence points. Inside, the main hall is dominated by vast hearths, their flames casting flickering shadows upon the sturdy wooden tables and fur-lined benches. Around the hall, only sparse quarters exist, designed for function over comfort and, outside, the surrounding grounds are simply but stark, marked by rudimentary training fields. The entire fortress is surrounded by a heavy stone wall, making it impossible for any to enter but those who are intended.

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