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The Staff Team
Aeipathy's staff team operates as a civil support service, working behind the scenes to ensure that all members of Aeipathy are content. We want everyone to have fun writing, because that's ultimately why we're all here. To this end, all staffers are held to staffer regulations. Our staff are expected to:
RulesFollow our Fundamental Rules and Community Ethos, like any other member.
ActivityMaintain their own activity, in line with our Activity System.
UnbiasedLend an unbiased ear to all members regardless of personal relationships involved.
ObjectiveRemain calm and objective in all matters.
CalendarComplete assigned responsibilities on time according to the Aeipathy Calendar.
Staff Structure A site as large as our server requires structure. This is not a hierarchy. It is a linear path of communication, ensuring that tasks are handled effectively.

IC Moderators
The Loreist
Records / Past Canon
The Hearsay
Gossip / Present Canon
The Diviner
Events / Future Canon
The Curator
Pinterest / Social Media

OOC Moderators
The Instigator
OOC Events / Socials
The Navigator
On-Site OOC / Discord
The Guide
Mentor Team Head
The Bookkeeper
Systems Upkeep
The TownCryer
Advertising / Off-Site
Assistant(s) and Mentor(s) The Assistant role is designed for members wishing to contribute to the site and community without the pressure or additional responsibilities of being 'staff'. As such, they are not listed anywhere on our site, in order to maintain their privacy. To become an assistant see our Becoming a Staffer section below.

For information on our mentors, see the Mentor System page. The Moderation Team The moderator team is any member's first port of call when in need. They handle the smooth running of the site and the discord server, including regularly scheduled tasks and arising issues.

Hi all, I’m Peach! I’m here to help you settle in and get writing with your characters. I’m here to help out in any way I can, so if you're struggling please reach out. My DM’s are always open, or you can use the anonymous member survey and/or suggestion box to let me know what’s up. I keep things organised around here, so if you see something out of place please let me know, and I’ll do my best to get it fixed! If I’m not here you can find me riding my motorcycle, camping, or cuddling my cat, Beau.

Peach RoleThe Bookkeeper
PronounsShe / Her
TimezoneEST / UTC-4

OOC Duties
Systems Maintenance
Data Management
Member Feedback

IC Duties
Story Feedback
Character Integration

The Admin Team The admin team manages the moderators, oversee the larger changes to the site and ensure that all duties are carried out in a timely fashion. If a moderator has an issue, is unable to complete a task or feels ill-equipped to handle a matter, it is passed on to the admin with whom they work. If further escalation is needed an Admin may pass the concern on to the Head Admin.

JD, JDizzle, Jay-Whatsherface or Oi You! All of them work and all of them will get my attention! As will disney memes, Outlander gifs and anything relating to The Princess Bride! I'm the Head Admin here at Aeipathy which means I'm responsible if anything needs a little TLC. As I only have one set of hands, I am, most of the time, reduced to being the last port of call whilst our awesome staff team works in my stead but I'm always around for plotting chatter and good fun!

JD RoleGlobal Admin
PronounsShe / Her
TimezoneGMT / UTC

OOC Duties
General Overseer
Site-Wide Concerns
New Features
Staffing Queries

IC Duties
World Lore
Canon Characters
Global Plots

Hey, ya'll! My name is Athene, and I am the new IC Admin! I help keep everything moving in our little world we are creating. Everything IC based, is under my care as I work with our Loreist, Hearsay, and Diviner. We four will guide and keep records of the past, gossip that is whispered in the present, and events of the future. If you have an idea you wish to work into our historical records, heard gossip whispered in the markets, or have any events dreamed up that could be fun; My DMs are always open! ^_^

Athene RoleIC Admin
Pronouns:She / Her
Timezone:EST / UTC-4

OOC Duties
Roleplay Boards
Equal Opportunities
Diversity Concerns

IC Duties
Plotting and Characters
Historical Anachronisms
IC Event Overseer
Stories and Plotting

Becoming a Staffer Vacancy Advertisements To apply for an advertised vacancy on the staff team please read the ad in question carefully then copy and complete the code below and send it to the staff team on site. All staff vacancies are posted in our updates board and circulated via private messages on the site, when released.
[u]Staffer Application (Vacancy)[/u]

[b]Member Alias:[/b] Your name here.
[b]Applying For (Role):[/b] Name of the vacancy here.
[b]Your Characters:[/b] Please list any characters you currently play. If you are a Reader, just leave this blank.
[b]Requirement Met:[/b] Please specify which of our Staffer Requirements you have met. If relevant, please supply your Patreon details so we can confirm your online support.
[b]I'm Applying Because:[/b] Please tell us why you wish to be staff on Aeipathy. What elements of being staff are you most looking forward to? What do you want to contribute to Aeipathy? Why have you chosen this role in particular? What are your own skills and strengths that can be brought to this role? No less than 100 words, please.
[b]My Weakness Is:[/b] Of all the duties mentioned in the vacancy ad, which are you least confident that you could fulfil? This is not a judgment or a way of discounting you from consideration. Our staff team work on a policy of honesty and not everyone is good at everything. We work as a team to support one another's weaknesses. So, we need to know yours too.
[b]Further Comments:[/b] If there's anything else you would like to contribute to your application, please place it here.

Blind Expressions We accept expressions of interest outside of vacancy postings. If you think you'd be a great fit for a particular staffer duty that is not currently listed as taken, complete the short form below and send to the staff team on site. We will contact you to discuss the role and, if appropriate, provide you with a role summary and ask you to complete the formal vacancy form above. Whilst we may decide that it's not the right time for an addition to the team, we always note interest for the future. Global Admin, IC Admin, OOC Admin and The Representative are not open for blind expression applications.
[u]Staffer Application (Blind)[/u]

[b]Member Alias:[/b] Your name here.
[b]Expressing Interest In (Role):[/b] Name of the role you want to be considered for.
[b]Your Characters:[/b] Please list any characters you currently play. If you are a Reader, just leave this blank.
[b]Requirement Met:[/b] Please specify which of our Staffer Requirements you have met. If relevant, please supply your Patreon details so we can confirm your online support.

Open Roles Unless we currently have a surplus of volunteers, the following roles are always open for new applicants: Assistants, Mentors. If interested, simply copy and complete the short form below and send it to the staff team on site. We will get back to you to discuss your interest.
[u]Staffer Application (Open Interest)[/u]

[b]Member Alias:[/b] Your name here.
[b]Expressing Interest In (Role):[/b] Name of the role you want to be considered for.
[b]Your Characters:[/b] Please list any characters you currently play. If you are a Reader, just leave this blank.
Staffer Requirements There are no staffer requirements when applying for the following roles: Assistants, Mentors. All hopefuls for other staffer roles must meet one of the following criteria, before applying:
Option One50 IC posts across all accepted characters.
Option Two4 months active on our Discord server.
Option Three30 IC posts across all accepted characters and 2 months active on our Discord server.
Option Four$500+ contributed on our Patreon.
Credits and Gratitude We would like to take this opportunity to extend our warmest and sincerest thank yous to all those who continue to make Aeipathy an amazing place to be. This site is not for individuals, cliques or groups. It is for a universal social experience that supports and encourages new, would-be, avid, enthusiastic, professional or otherwise just damn awesome writers and creators. To all, staff and otherwise: Thank you.

Aeipathy's layout was skinned exclusively by JD for aeipathy. Our writing home has been open since June 2018. All original content © to the original staff team. Lore additions made by the community are © to Aeipathy itself. All character content © to our respective members.

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Aeipathy's layout was skinned exclusively by JD for Aeipathy. Our writing home has been open since June 2018. All original content © to the original staff team. Lore additions made by the community are © to Aeipathy itself. All character content © to the members. Any similarities to people or settings, fictional or real, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please no stealing of our skin or our world. Come join us instead! Thank you to all who help make Aeipathy great!