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Boom badda boom boom BOOM! Ladies and gents and everyone in between, Aeipathy is celebrating its third year of operation! Three years! I know! And, from my perspective, it doesn't matter whether we're a thousand years through the history of our characters or taking that first step out into the world in our reboot: the fact of the matter is that we all (members past and present) have helped to contribute to a community and a site that is still going strong today. It is not down to the site and it's original content but to the way members have added to it, expanding upon it and lent their hearts and souls to make these characters come alive that has made Aeipathy continue to be worthy in the eyes of its members.
So, upon this happy holiday, take a moment to say thanks to yourself and to those you love to write with. It is down to you guys that we are still here and it is your passion that keeps us moving forward. Happy Birthday, Aeipathy! And thank you to all Aeipathy members! Yet words are not always enough! As a thank you, we welcome you to our annual Aeipathy Olympics!
Calling All Contenders
Have no fear! The Aeipathy Olympics are not for the jocks among us! They are for all who wish to compete! This event has nothing to do with physical strength or dexterity and involves no mandatory nudity (what you decide to wear in the comfort of your own home on a voluntary basis is entirely up to you).
What the event does entail... is a series of competitions with different skill focuses. They might be writing-based or graphics-based. They may be long-slog projects that you work towards across the entire month or they could be one-hit wonders where its quality over quantity. These different fields are designed to help every member find something they can partake in.
The aim of the Olympics is to engage current members and characters in new ideas and fun, ready to leap frog us into our fourth year of activity! It's also great to have the community working together or in healthy competition just for the awesome fun of it!
How To Play
All of the below categories are open for the whole month. You do not need to complete them in order and you are not restricted in how many you can take part in.
All categories close at 23:55am on the 7th July 2021.
All winners will be announced on the 14th July 2021.
All entrants will achieve 10 Member Points per Category they take part in!
Please note! If you've played the Olympics before, be sure to read the below information carefully. In order to inspire the largest number of members and keep competition fun, many of the categories have been edited or adapted from previous years. Make sure you read them carefully before you get stuck in!
If you have any queries or questions, send a DM to our OOC Moderator Athene.
Category One Graphic Design
Calling all gfxers and photomanipulators! Think you have the photoshop skills to take on the other members of Aeipathy? This particular competition is a test of aesthetic skills and graphic design, created for those who have an affinity for layers, brushes and curves.
Create a GFX image on the theme of Aeipathy. This could be a logo, a background image, a side image, a signature, an avatar - something creative on a digital canvas that you think is an encapsulation of Aeipathy. It can be character focused, theme-specific or just a general ancient world type of aesthetic. Let your creativity go wild!
- There are no size restrictions on the image.
- All entries must be submitted in a .png format.
- All entries must be compressed. You can compress a file for free here.
- Multiple entries permitted.
- Group efforts are permitted.
- Entrants may participate both solo and as part of group effort(s).
To submit an entry for this category, email your entries as .png attachments to You may submit/re-submit additional entries as many times as you like. All separate images will be counted as their own entries and, for any repeated images, the latest submittance will be taken into consideration. One image will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winning artwork be sold as our first piece of Aeipathy merchandise able to be bought and paid for by our members and the general public. The winning artwork will also be published across our social media.
Category Two Traditional Art
Not such a whizz at digital art but love your brushes, pencils and glue-sticks? Well, here's the round for you! Not only are we open to those making art with a computer and mouse, but with their own hands too! If you like to get your hands in the papier mache or handling a needle and thread then this is the category for you!
To enter this contest, create a piece of artwork dedicated to or inspired by Aeipathy. Literally the sky is the limit, you can make anything you like - a painting, a drawing, a dress or outfit, a sculpture - so long as the final product was not put together on a computer. The art piece can be focused on one element of Aeipathy - a character cosplay, a piece of art depicting a particular couple - or more thematic/generally aesthetic.
- Entries require high quality photos of the item.
- All entries must be compressed. You can compress a file for free here.
- Computers can be used in the production of elements of the artwork but not in the final assembly/creation.
- One entry per member restriction.
- Group efforts are permitted.
To submit an entry for this category, email your compressed photos to You may submit/re-submit additional photos as many times as you like. The latest photos will be your offical entry. One creation will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 250 Member Points The winning artwork will also be published across our social media.
All entries will have the opportunity (not the obligation) to donate their created work to a member auction later in the year. Funds from this auction will go towards new features and bonus material for the site.
Category Three Film Making
Calling all Spielberg wannabes! Always considered yourself a dab hand at Adobe Premier or any other kind of software? Want to take your input on the forum to the next level? Ready to call: lights, camera, action? Then this is the competition for you...
Create a video for our lovely Aeipathy home. This could be generally themed like a trailer in movie making style. Or it could be character or story specific like a music AMV using clips of face claims. It could be a comedy skit in which you interview, Letterman style, characters from the site or an information docu-drama about the history of the world. Whatever you want to do! It can be anything you like that you think might help to encourage more viewers and writers to the site or that you think members will just love! We're looking for style here! So, whether you're using footage from other sources or filming your own, take some pride in how its put together and ensure that your vids are polished and gleaming!
- Typoes in taglines/text will see your entry disqualified.
- Avoid obvious original material (avoid obvious costumes or symbols from elsewhere). Allow your viewers to suspend disbelief.
- All entries must use 'Aeipathy' somewhere/somehow in the video. In the credits is fine.
- Multiple entries are permitted.
- Group efforts are permitted.
- Entrants may participate both solo and as part of group effort(s).
To submit an entry for this category, upload your video to your own Youtube account and then email the URL to Make sure your video is set to public view. One creation will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 250 Member Points
All entries will be uploaded to our Youtube channel for all the world to see!
Category Four Writing
Ready to really put your writing skills to the test? If you think you're a serious writer who one day might want to sink their teeth into creating a full manuscript, then how about giving this particular round a go...?
Write the first chapter of a novel set in the world of Aeipathy. This chapter could be about your own characters, about someone else's, about our unclaimed canons and wanteds. It could be about completely original characters you just came up with. The key here, is that you're writing it within our world and our story. So, pick a part of our story told so far - could be from Aeipathy 1.0, could be when you personally first joined the site, or it could be set during the history of our world if you like staring at our Historical Timeline page. Choose your setting/timeframe carefully and come up with your opening gambit for a story - as if you were sitting down to write the first chapter of an Aeipathy novel. The key is, to write something that hooks a reader in the first few pages and reads at a literary level.
- Story must be set in the world of Aeipathy - not Lands Afar.
- Entries must be submitted in a Google Doc.
- Entries must be over 6,000 words.
- Entries can be a single chunk of text, or broken into different pieces from different viewpoints.
- Entries must be written in third person, past tense.
- One entry per member restriction.
- Group efforts not permitted.
To submit an entry for this category, email an Editor-Permission link to your entry's Google Doc to One chapter will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Canon Royal House in our next realm expansion (not Greece or Africa - the next one).
Category Five Poetry
Are you a lover of writing but not so into the idea of a full novel chapter? If you're lyrical, how about a stab at poetry? Be like Homer and take on the story-telling of the greats!
Here's the challenge: create a poem (in any format - free form or structured) about an Aeipathy storyline. It could be a historical piece of lore detailed in our Historical Timeline. It could be an old story in our previous version of the site. It could be a future plot that you would like to happen either in-canon or in an alternate reality. The only rule is: it must include canons, wanteds and accepted characters currently on the site.
- Entries must be submitted in a Google Doc.
- Multiple entries permitted.
- Group efforts not permitted.
- No word count minimum.
To submit an entry for this category, email your poem to You may submit/re-submit your poem(s) as many times as you like. The latest version of each poem will be your offical entry(s). One poem will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Event on Aeipathy.
Category Six Roleplay
Ready to prove you're the king or queen of roleplay? Crack those knuckles ladies and gents - it's time to prove your epicness! Here we go...
The aim of the game on this one is abundantly simple. Be the roleplayer on Aeipathy who is currently writing with the most other members. Simple right? But let me break it down... Your entry to this category should list how many other members (not characters - members) you are actively roleplaying with. The only threads that do not count towards this goal are Event or Provincial Story threads. Sub-threads in Event boards do count.
- Upon category deadline, all threads that are stated as evidence must be open.
- Entries must be a list of members you are roleplaying with, accompanied by links to the threads you share.
- Each member you are roleplaying with counts as one point, regardless of how many characters they are roleplaying with you at any one time.
- The winners of this event are the members with the highest number of roleplaying partners (points).
- AU threads are permitted when canon interaction isn't possible between you and another member's characters. However, only AU Threads where canon interaction is realistically impossible will be permitted to count. So, if you can rp IC, then do.
- Group efforts are not permitted.
To submit an entry for this category, email your list of members you are writing with to You may submit/re-submit your list as many times as you like. The latest version of your list will be your offical entry. The winners will be those with the highest number of members on their lists.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Event, Provincial Story and Quest on Aeipathy.
Category Seven Advertising
In a few months, we'll be opening up our advertising doors! And who better to sing our praises than our members? Here's how it works: Write a positive review of Aeipathy, highlighting the elements that you like the most about our site or community, in the form of a letter to a potential member.
Beginning your letter - 'Dear Traveller...', 'Hi Potential Member...' or something of a similar ilk and write a positive encouragement/review of Aeipathy. The purpose of the letter should be to encourage uncertain newcomers who are browsing the site and looking over our information to take the plunge and dive in. You might want to address common concerns - our amount of lore, how to locate wanted ads or whether we are welcoming to different levels of writing skill. We're not asking for propaganda - all letters must be honest.
- The letter/review must begin and end like a letter. - Dear, and From etc.
- All entries must be over 400 words.
- We're looking for friendliness, style and encouragement in tone and purpose.
- Any letters with typoes will be immediately disqualified.
- One entry per member restriction.
- Group efforts are not permitted.
- All entrants in this category will receive an additional 20 Member Points (on top of the 10 for basic entry).
To submit an entry for this category, email your letter to You may submit/re-submit your letter as many times as you like. The latest version of your letter will be your offical entry. One letter will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Event on Aeipathy.
Any and all entries may be published on our welcome pages on the site to encourage newcomers.[/div][/div]
Ready, Set...
Those are the categories! If you cannot find one that you fall in love with, please message a staff member and we will be sure to include any ideas you have for more diverse suggestions next year! For now, we hope you can have fun with the above competitions! Just remember that this is supposed to be fun! No stress, no pressure. If something above gels with you then take a shot and get involved!
Please note that, in past contests, a few medals in certain categories have not been awarded due to limited entries. So, never think you don't have a chance - never count yourself as out before you try! Go for it!
Good Luck to Everyone!
Staff Team
Staff Team
This post was created by our staff team.
Please contact us with your queries and questions.
Boom badda boom boom BOOM! Ladies and gents and everyone in between, Aeipathy is celebrating its third year of operation! Three years! I know! And, from my perspective, it doesn't matter whether we're a thousand years through the history of our characters or taking that first step out into the world in our reboot: the fact of the matter is that we all (members past and present) have helped to contribute to a community and a site that is still going strong today. It is not down to the site and it's original content but to the way members have added to it, expanding upon it and lent their hearts and souls to make these characters come alive that has made Aeipathy continue to be worthy in the eyes of its members.
So, upon this happy holiday, take a moment to say thanks to yourself and to those you love to write with. It is down to you guys that we are still here and it is your passion that keeps us moving forward. Happy Birthday, Aeipathy! And thank you to all Aeipathy members! Yet words are not always enough! As a thank you, we welcome you to our annual Aeipathy Olympics!
Calling All Contenders
Have no fear! The Aeipathy Olympics are not for the jocks among us! They are for all who wish to compete! This event has nothing to do with physical strength or dexterity and involves no mandatory nudity (what you decide to wear in the comfort of your own home on a voluntary basis is entirely up to you).
What the event does entail... is a series of competitions with different skill focuses. They might be writing-based or graphics-based. They may be long-slog projects that you work towards across the entire month or they could be one-hit wonders where its quality over quantity. These different fields are designed to help every member find something they can partake in.
The aim of the Olympics is to engage current members and characters in new ideas and fun, ready to leap frog us into our fourth year of activity! It's also great to have the community working together or in healthy competition just for the awesome fun of it!
How To Play
All of the below categories are open for the whole month. You do not need to complete them in order and you are not restricted in how many you can take part in.
All categories close at 23:55am on the 7th July 2021.
All winners will be announced on the 14th July 2021.
All entrants will achieve 10 Member Points per Category they take part in!
Please note! If you've played the Olympics before, be sure to read the below information carefully. In order to inspire the largest number of members and keep competition fun, many of the categories have been edited or adapted from previous years. Make sure you read them carefully before you get stuck in!
If you have any queries or questions, send a DM to our OOC Moderator Athene.
Category One Graphic Design
Calling all gfxers and photomanipulators! Think you have the photoshop skills to take on the other members of Aeipathy? This particular competition is a test of aesthetic skills and graphic design, created for those who have an affinity for layers, brushes and curves.
Create a GFX image on the theme of Aeipathy. This could be a logo, a background image, a side image, a signature, an avatar - something creative on a digital canvas that you think is an encapsulation of Aeipathy. It can be character focused, theme-specific or just a general ancient world type of aesthetic. Let your creativity go wild!
- There are no size restrictions on the image.
- All entries must be submitted in a .png format.
- All entries must be compressed. You can compress a file for free here.
- Multiple entries permitted.
- Group efforts are permitted.
- Entrants may participate both solo and as part of group effort(s).
To submit an entry for this category, email your entries as .png attachments to You may submit/re-submit additional entries as many times as you like. All separate images will be counted as their own entries and, for any repeated images, the latest submittance will be taken into consideration. One image will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winning artwork be sold as our first piece of Aeipathy merchandise able to be bought and paid for by our members and the general public. The winning artwork will also be published across our social media.
Category Two Traditional Art
Not such a whizz at digital art but love your brushes, pencils and glue-sticks? Well, here's the round for you! Not only are we open to those making art with a computer and mouse, but with their own hands too! If you like to get your hands in the papier mache or handling a needle and thread then this is the category for you!
To enter this contest, create a piece of artwork dedicated to or inspired by Aeipathy. Literally the sky is the limit, you can make anything you like - a painting, a drawing, a dress or outfit, a sculpture - so long as the final product was not put together on a computer. The art piece can be focused on one element of Aeipathy - a character cosplay, a piece of art depicting a particular couple - or more thematic/generally aesthetic.
- Entries require high quality photos of the item.
- All entries must be compressed. You can compress a file for free here.
- Computers can be used in the production of elements of the artwork but not in the final assembly/creation.
- One entry per member restriction.
- Group efforts are permitted.
To submit an entry for this category, email your compressed photos to You may submit/re-submit additional photos as many times as you like. The latest photos will be your offical entry. One creation will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 250 Member Points The winning artwork will also be published across our social media.
All entries will have the opportunity (not the obligation) to donate their created work to a member auction later in the year. Funds from this auction will go towards new features and bonus material for the site.
Category Three Film Making
Calling all Spielberg wannabes! Always considered yourself a dab hand at Adobe Premier or any other kind of software? Want to take your input on the forum to the next level? Ready to call: lights, camera, action? Then this is the competition for you...
Create a video for our lovely Aeipathy home. This could be generally themed like a trailer in movie making style. Or it could be character or story specific like a music AMV using clips of face claims. It could be a comedy skit in which you interview, Letterman style, characters from the site or an information docu-drama about the history of the world. Whatever you want to do! It can be anything you like that you think might help to encourage more viewers and writers to the site or that you think members will just love! We're looking for style here! So, whether you're using footage from other sources or filming your own, take some pride in how its put together and ensure that your vids are polished and gleaming!
- Typoes in taglines/text will see your entry disqualified.
- Avoid obvious original material (avoid obvious costumes or symbols from elsewhere). Allow your viewers to suspend disbelief.
- All entries must use 'Aeipathy' somewhere/somehow in the video. In the credits is fine.
- Multiple entries are permitted.
- Group efforts are permitted.
- Entrants may participate both solo and as part of group effort(s).
To submit an entry for this category, upload your video to your own Youtube account and then email the URL to Make sure your video is set to public view. One creation will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 250 Member Points
All entries will be uploaded to our Youtube channel for all the world to see!
Category Four Writing
Ready to really put your writing skills to the test? If you think you're a serious writer who one day might want to sink their teeth into creating a full manuscript, then how about giving this particular round a go...?
Write the first chapter of a novel set in the world of Aeipathy. This chapter could be about your own characters, about someone else's, about our unclaimed canons and wanteds. It could be about completely original characters you just came up with. The key here, is that you're writing it within our world and our story. So, pick a part of our story told so far - could be from Aeipathy 1.0, could be when you personally first joined the site, or it could be set during the history of our world if you like staring at our Historical Timeline page. Choose your setting/timeframe carefully and come up with your opening gambit for a story - as if you were sitting down to write the first chapter of an Aeipathy novel. The key is, to write something that hooks a reader in the first few pages and reads at a literary level.
- Story must be set in the world of Aeipathy - not Lands Afar.
- Entries must be submitted in a Google Doc.
- Entries must be over 6,000 words.
- Entries can be a single chunk of text, or broken into different pieces from different viewpoints.
- Entries must be written in third person, past tense.
- One entry per member restriction.
- Group efforts not permitted.
To submit an entry for this category, email an Editor-Permission link to your entry's Google Doc to One chapter will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Canon Royal House in our next realm expansion (not Greece or Africa - the next one).
Category Five Poetry
Are you a lover of writing but not so into the idea of a full novel chapter? If you're lyrical, how about a stab at poetry? Be like Homer and take on the story-telling of the greats!
Here's the challenge: create a poem (in any format - free form or structured) about an Aeipathy storyline. It could be a historical piece of lore detailed in our Historical Timeline. It could be an old story in our previous version of the site. It could be a future plot that you would like to happen either in-canon or in an alternate reality. The only rule is: it must include canons, wanteds and accepted characters currently on the site.
- Entries must be submitted in a Google Doc.
- Multiple entries permitted.
- Group efforts not permitted.
- No word count minimum.
To submit an entry for this category, email your poem to You may submit/re-submit your poem(s) as many times as you like. The latest version of each poem will be your offical entry(s). One poem will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Event on Aeipathy.
Category Six Roleplay
Ready to prove you're the king or queen of roleplay? Crack those knuckles ladies and gents - it's time to prove your epicness! Here we go...
The aim of the game on this one is abundantly simple. Be the roleplayer on Aeipathy who is currently writing with the most other members. Simple right? But let me break it down... Your entry to this category should list how many other members (not characters - members) you are actively roleplaying with. The only threads that do not count towards this goal are Event or Provincial Story threads. Sub-threads in Event boards do count.
- Upon category deadline, all threads that are stated as evidence must be open.
- Entries must be a list of members you are roleplaying with, accompanied by links to the threads you share.
- Each member you are roleplaying with counts as one point, regardless of how many characters they are roleplaying with you at any one time.
- The winners of this event are the members with the highest number of roleplaying partners (points).
- AU threads are permitted when canon interaction isn't possible between you and another member's characters. However, only AU Threads where canon interaction is realistically impossible will be permitted to count. So, if you can rp IC, then do.
- Group efforts are not permitted.
To submit an entry for this category, email your list of members you are writing with to You may submit/re-submit your list as many times as you like. The latest version of your list will be your offical entry. The winners will be those with the highest number of members on their lists.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Event, Provincial Story and Quest on Aeipathy.
Category Seven Advertising
In a few months, we'll be opening up our advertising doors! And who better to sing our praises than our members? Here's how it works: Write a positive review of Aeipathy, highlighting the elements that you like the most about our site or community, in the form of a letter to a potential member.
Beginning your letter - 'Dear Traveller...', 'Hi Potential Member...' or something of a similar ilk and write a positive encouragement/review of Aeipathy. The purpose of the letter should be to encourage uncertain newcomers who are browsing the site and looking over our information to take the plunge and dive in. You might want to address common concerns - our amount of lore, how to locate wanted ads or whether we are welcoming to different levels of writing skill. We're not asking for propaganda - all letters must be honest.
- The letter/review must begin and end like a letter. - Dear, and From etc.
- All entries must be over 400 words.
- We're looking for friendliness, style and encouragement in tone and purpose.
- Any letters with typoes will be immediately disqualified.
- One entry per member restriction.
- Group efforts are not permitted.
- All entrants in this category will receive an additional 20 Member Points (on top of the 10 for basic entry).
To submit an entry for this category, email your letter to You may submit/re-submit your letter as many times as you like. The latest version of your letter will be your offical entry. One letter will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Event on Aeipathy.
Any and all entries may be published on our welcome pages on the site to encourage newcomers.[/div][/div]
Ready, Set...
Those are the categories! If you cannot find one that you fall in love with, please message a staff member and we will be sure to include any ideas you have for more diverse suggestions next year! For now, we hope you can have fun with the above competitions! Just remember that this is supposed to be fun! No stress, no pressure. If something above gels with you then take a shot and get involved!
Please note that, in past contests, a few medals in certain categories have not been awarded due to limited entries. So, never think you don't have a chance - never count yourself as out before you try! Go for it!
Good Luck to Everyone!
The Aeipathy Olympics
Aeipathy is 3 Years Old!
Boom badda boom boom BOOM! Ladies and gents and everyone in between, Aeipathy is celebrating its third year of operation! Three years! I know! And, from my perspective, it doesn't matter whether we're a thousand years through the history of our characters or taking that first step out into the world in our reboot: the fact of the matter is that we all (members past and present) have helped to contribute to a community and a site that is still going strong today. It is not down to the site and it's original content but to the way members have added to it, expanding upon it and lent their hearts and souls to make these characters come alive that has made Aeipathy continue to be worthy in the eyes of its members.
So, upon this happy holiday, take a moment to say thanks to yourself and to those you love to write with. It is down to you guys that we are still here and it is your passion that keeps us moving forward. Happy Birthday, Aeipathy! And thank you to all Aeipathy members! Yet words are not always enough! As a thank you, we welcome you to our annual Aeipathy Olympics!
Calling All Contenders
Have no fear! The Aeipathy Olympics are not for the jocks among us! They are for all who wish to compete! This event has nothing to do with physical strength or dexterity and involves no mandatory nudity (what you decide to wear in the comfort of your own home on a voluntary basis is entirely up to you).
What the event does entail... is a series of competitions with different skill focuses. They might be writing-based or graphics-based. They may be long-slog projects that you work towards across the entire month or they could be one-hit wonders where its quality over quantity. These different fields are designed to help every member find something they can partake in.
The aim of the Olympics is to engage current members and characters in new ideas and fun, ready to leap frog us into our fourth year of activity! It's also great to have the community working together or in healthy competition just for the awesome fun of it!
How To Play
All of the below categories are open for the whole month. You do not need to complete them in order and you are not restricted in how many you can take part in.
All categories close at 23:55am on the 7th July 2021.
All winners will be announced on the 14th July 2021.
All entrants will achieve 10 Member Points per Category they take part in!
Please note! If you've played the Olympics before, be sure to read the below information carefully. In order to inspire the largest number of members and keep competition fun, many of the categories have been edited or adapted from previous years. Make sure you read them carefully before you get stuck in!
If you have any queries or questions, send a DM to our OOC Moderator Athene.
Category One Graphic Design
Calling all gfxers and photomanipulators! Think you have the photoshop skills to take on the other members of Aeipathy? This particular competition is a test of aesthetic skills and graphic design, created for those who have an affinity for layers, brushes and curves.
Create a GFX image on the theme of Aeipathy. This could be a logo, a background image, a side image, a signature, an avatar - something creative on a digital canvas that you think is an encapsulation of Aeipathy. It can be character focused, theme-specific or just a general ancient world type of aesthetic. Let your creativity go wild!
- There are no size restrictions on the image.
- All entries must be submitted in a .png format.
- All entries must be compressed. You can compress a file for free here.
- Multiple entries permitted.
- Group efforts are permitted.
- Entrants may participate both solo and as part of group effort(s).
To submit an entry for this category, email your entries as .png attachments to You may submit/re-submit additional entries as many times as you like. All separate images will be counted as their own entries and, for any repeated images, the latest submittance will be taken into consideration. One image will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winning artwork be sold as our first piece of Aeipathy merchandise able to be bought and paid for by our members and the general public. The winning artwork will also be published across our social media.
Category Two Traditional Art
Not such a whizz at digital art but love your brushes, pencils and glue-sticks? Well, here's the round for you! Not only are we open to those making art with a computer and mouse, but with their own hands too! If you like to get your hands in the papier mache or handling a needle and thread then this is the category for you!
To enter this contest, create a piece of artwork dedicated to or inspired by Aeipathy. Literally the sky is the limit, you can make anything you like - a painting, a drawing, a dress or outfit, a sculpture - so long as the final product was not put together on a computer. The art piece can be focused on one element of Aeipathy - a character cosplay, a piece of art depicting a particular couple - or more thematic/generally aesthetic.
- Entries require high quality photos of the item.
- All entries must be compressed. You can compress a file for free here.
- Computers can be used in the production of elements of the artwork but not in the final assembly/creation.
- One entry per member restriction.
- Group efforts are permitted.
To submit an entry for this category, email your compressed photos to You may submit/re-submit additional photos as many times as you like. The latest photos will be your offical entry. One creation will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 250 Member Points The winning artwork will also be published across our social media.
All entries will have the opportunity (not the obligation) to donate their created work to a member auction later in the year. Funds from this auction will go towards new features and bonus material for the site.
Category Three Film Making
Calling all Spielberg wannabes! Always considered yourself a dab hand at Adobe Premier or any other kind of software? Want to take your input on the forum to the next level? Ready to call: lights, camera, action? Then this is the competition for you...
Create a video for our lovely Aeipathy home. This could be generally themed like a trailer in movie making style. Or it could be character or story specific like a music AMV using clips of face claims. It could be a comedy skit in which you interview, Letterman style, characters from the site or an information docu-drama about the history of the world. Whatever you want to do! It can be anything you like that you think might help to encourage more viewers and writers to the site or that you think members will just love! We're looking for style here! So, whether you're using footage from other sources or filming your own, take some pride in how its put together and ensure that your vids are polished and gleaming!
- Typoes in taglines/text will see your entry disqualified.
- Avoid obvious original material (avoid obvious costumes or symbols from elsewhere). Allow your viewers to suspend disbelief.
- All entries must use 'Aeipathy' somewhere/somehow in the video. In the credits is fine.
- Multiple entries are permitted.
- Group efforts are permitted.
- Entrants may participate both solo and as part of group effort(s).
To submit an entry for this category, upload your video to your own Youtube account and then email the URL to Make sure your video is set to public view. One creation will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 250 Member Points
All entries will be uploaded to our Youtube channel for all the world to see!
Category Four Writing
Ready to really put your writing skills to the test? If you think you're a serious writer who one day might want to sink their teeth into creating a full manuscript, then how about giving this particular round a go...?
Write the first chapter of a novel set in the world of Aeipathy. This chapter could be about your own characters, about someone else's, about our unclaimed canons and wanteds. It could be about completely original characters you just came up with. The key here, is that you're writing it within our world and our story. So, pick a part of our story told so far - could be from Aeipathy 1.0, could be when you personally first joined the site, or it could be set during the history of our world if you like staring at our Historical Timeline page. Choose your setting/timeframe carefully and come up with your opening gambit for a story - as if you were sitting down to write the first chapter of an Aeipathy novel. The key is, to write something that hooks a reader in the first few pages and reads at a literary level.
- Story must be set in the world of Aeipathy - not Lands Afar.
- Entries must be submitted in a Google Doc.
- Entries must be over 6,000 words.
- Entries can be a single chunk of text, or broken into different pieces from different viewpoints.
- Entries must be written in third person, past tense.
- One entry per member restriction.
- Group efforts not permitted.
To submit an entry for this category, email an Editor-Permission link to your entry's Google Doc to One chapter will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Canon Royal House in our next realm expansion (not Greece or Africa - the next one).
Category Five Poetry
Are you a lover of writing but not so into the idea of a full novel chapter? If you're lyrical, how about a stab at poetry? Be like Homer and take on the story-telling of the greats!
Here's the challenge: create a poem (in any format - free form or structured) about an Aeipathy storyline. It could be a historical piece of lore detailed in our Historical Timeline. It could be an old story in our previous version of the site. It could be a future plot that you would like to happen either in-canon or in an alternate reality. The only rule is: it must include canons, wanteds and accepted characters currently on the site.
- Entries must be submitted in a Google Doc.
- Multiple entries permitted.
- Group efforts not permitted.
- No word count minimum.
To submit an entry for this category, email your poem to You may submit/re-submit your poem(s) as many times as you like. The latest version of each poem will be your offical entry(s). One poem will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Event on Aeipathy.
Category Six Roleplay
Ready to prove you're the king or queen of roleplay? Crack those knuckles ladies and gents - it's time to prove your epicness! Here we go...
The aim of the game on this one is abundantly simple. Be the roleplayer on Aeipathy who is currently writing with the most other members. Simple right? But let me break it down... Your entry to this category should list how many other members (not characters - members) you are actively roleplaying with. The only threads that do not count towards this goal are Event or Provincial Story threads. Sub-threads in Event boards do count.
- Upon category deadline, all threads that are stated as evidence must be open.
- Entries must be a list of members you are roleplaying with, accompanied by links to the threads you share.
- Each member you are roleplaying with counts as one point, regardless of how many characters they are roleplaying with you at any one time.
- The winners of this event are the members with the highest number of roleplaying partners (points).
- AU threads are permitted when canon interaction isn't possible between you and another member's characters. However, only AU Threads where canon interaction is realistically impossible will be permitted to count. So, if you can rp IC, then do.
- Group efforts are not permitted.
To submit an entry for this category, email your list of members you are writing with to You may submit/re-submit your list as many times as you like. The latest version of your list will be your offical entry. The winners will be those with the highest number of members on their lists.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Event, Provincial Story and Quest on Aeipathy.
Category Seven Advertising
In a few months, we'll be opening up our advertising doors! And who better to sing our praises than our members? Here's how it works: Write a positive review of Aeipathy, highlighting the elements that you like the most about our site or community, in the form of a letter to a potential member.
Beginning your letter - 'Dear Traveller...', 'Hi Potential Member...' or something of a similar ilk and write a positive encouragement/review of Aeipathy. The purpose of the letter should be to encourage uncertain newcomers who are browsing the site and looking over our information to take the plunge and dive in. You might want to address common concerns - our amount of lore, how to locate wanted ads or whether we are welcoming to different levels of writing skill. We're not asking for propaganda - all letters must be honest.
- The letter/review must begin and end like a letter. - Dear, and From etc.
- All entries must be over 400 words.
- We're looking for friendliness, style and encouragement in tone and purpose.
- Any letters with typoes will be immediately disqualified.
- One entry per member restriction.
- Group efforts are not permitted.
- All entrants in this category will receive an additional 20 Member Points (on top of the 10 for basic entry).
To submit an entry for this category, email your letter to You may submit/re-submit your letter as many times as you like. The latest version of your letter will be your offical entry. One letter will win each of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place prizes.
3rd Place, Bronze Bronze Olympian Medal Award 50 Member Points
2nd Place, Silver Silver Olympian Medal Award 100 Member Points
1st Place, Gold (Grand Prize) Gold Olympian Medal Award 150 Member Points The winner will be be given the opportunity to create their own Event on Aeipathy.
Any and all entries may be published on our welcome pages on the site to encourage newcomers.[/div][/div]
Ready, Set...
Those are the categories! If you cannot find one that you fall in love with, please message a staff member and we will be sure to include any ideas you have for more diverse suggestions next year! For now, we hope you can have fun with the above competitions! Just remember that this is supposed to be fun! No stress, no pressure. If something above gels with you then take a shot and get involved!
Please note that, in past contests, a few medals in certain categories have not been awarded due to limited entries. So, never think you don't have a chance - never count yourself as out before you try! Go for it!