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Event: Wild at Heart
Total Threads1
Total Posts22

Location: Chaoedia > Taengea > Greece
IC Date: Kuklios, 672 BC
Open To: All Players
Closing: 6th September 2022

The royal life isn't always glam and proper etiquette. The younger generations of Hellas can appreciate a little fun. A short boat right (just a few hours) from the main isle of Taengea, is the Isle of Emae. A lush world of green owned predominantly by the Dimitrou family. In Chaoedia are forests, rocky terrain and fearsome sights of nature. Here, the mettle of Hellenes men is being tested: to race their fine horses at break neck pace around dangerous routes and woodland pathways. The women folk of the land have come to partake also. Some are brave enough to ride but others remain in pretty enclosed glens, laughing at the testosterone in the air and rewarding their favoured winners with a kiss...

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General Event: Wild at Heart Threads
Started By: The Staff Team
Latest Post: Deleted
Aug 6, 2023 19:49:56 GMT
Total Posts: 21
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Wild at Heart 
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Wild at Heart 

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